
Please note that we are not related to any kind of travel agent. We received reports that our invited speakers have been contacted by a fake travel agent, claiming to contact them on behalf of the Organizing Committee to organize the travel arrangements. If this is the case, we suggest to break the contact immediately and not to disclose any kind of private or financial data.

Early registration for IWCN 2019 is $650, for IW2 2019 is $195, and for WHPTCAD 2019 is $85 for participants – see drop down menus below. Please register for each event by using the secure PayPal site by clicking on the respective “Add to Cart” button below.

Tip: You can add all workshop registration items to a single “PayPal shopping cart” by switching back to this window once you pressed a “Add to Cart” button below. Once all items have been added to your shopping cart, review the items before proceeding to checkout.

Note: Please provide the participant’s name and affiliation in the shipping address using Latin characters (click on the button “ship to my billing address” to uncover the shipping address form) for the conference registration.

IWCN 2019 Early Registraion

IW2 2019 Registration

WHPTCAD 2019 Registration — Only required for non-presenting participants!