IWCE-10 Abstracts (2004)
- N.B. Abdallah, C. Negulescu, M. Mouis, E. Polizzi:
"Simulation Schemes in 2D Nanoscale MOSFETs: WKB Based Method";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 211 - 212.
- S. Aboud, D. Marreiro, M. Saraniti, R. Eisenberg:
"The Role of Long-Range Forces in Porin Channel Conduction";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 139 - 140.
- F. Adamu-Lema, G. Roy, A. R. Brown, A. Asenov, S. Roy:
"Intrinsic Parameter Fluctuations in Conventional MOSFETs at the Scaling Limit: A Statistical Study";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 44 - 45.
- F. Affinito, A. Bigiani, R. Brunetti, P. Carloni, C. Jacoboni, E. Piccinini, M. Rudan:
"A Simulative Method for the Analysis of Conduction Properties of Ion Channels Based on First-Principle Approaches";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 137 - 138.
- S.S. Ahmed, C. Ringhofer, D. Vasileska:
"Quantum Potential Approach to Modeling Nano-MOSFETs";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 213 - 214.
- M.G. Ancona, K. Lilja:
"Multi-Dimensional Tunneling in Density-Gradient Theory";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 38 - 39.
- P. Andrei, I.D. Mayergoyz:
"Random Doping Fluctuations of Small-Signal Parameters in Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 143 - 144.
- A. Ashok, R. Akis, D. Vasileska, D.K. Ferry:
"Theoretical Evidence of Spontaneous Spin Polarization in GaAs/AlGaAs Split-Gate Heterostructures";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 255 - 256.
- A. Asokan, R.W. Kelsall:
"Monte Carlo Simulations of Phonon Transport in Silicon";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 55.
- J.R. Barker, A. Barmpoutis:
"Smart dust: Monte Carlo Simulation of Self-Organised Transport";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 182 - 183.
- J.R. Barker, A. Martinez:
"Vortex Flows in Semiconductor Device Quantum Channels: Time-Dependent Simulation";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 215 - 216.
- M. Bescond, J.-L. Autran, N. Cavassilas, D. Munteanu, M. Lannoo:
"Treatment of Point Defects in Nanowire MOSFETs Using the Non-Equilibrium Green's Function Formalism";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 84 - 85.
- P. Bordone, A. Bertoni, C. Jacoboni:
"Simulation of Entanglement Dynamics for a Scattering between a Free and a Bound Carrier in a Quantum Wire";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 217 - 218.
- J. Branlard, S. Aboud, S. Goodnick, M. Saraniti:
"Efficient Memory Management for Cellular Monte Carlo Algorithm";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 184 - 185.
- E. Cancellieri, P. Bordone, A. Bertoni, G. Ferrari, C. Jacoboni:
"Wigner Function for Identical Particles";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 219 - 220.
- C. Cheng, Q.H. Liu, H.Z. Massoud:
"Spectral Element Method for the Schrödinger-Poisson System";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 221 - 222.
- P. Chiney, J. Branlard, S. Aboud, M. Saraniti, S. Goodnick:
"Full-Band Particle-Based Analysis of Device Scaling for 3D Tri-Gate FETs";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 97 - 98.
- G. Csaba, P. Lugli, A. Csurgay, W. Porod:
"Simulation of Power Gain and Dissipation in Field-Coupled Nanomagnets";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA (invited); 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 113 - 114.
- D. Csontos, S. Ulloa:
"Modeling of Transport through Semiconductor Quantum Dots: An Approach Based on the Direct Solution of the Coupled Poisson Boltzmann Equations";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 145 - 146.
- S. Datta:
"The NEGF Method: Capabilities and Challenges";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA (invited); 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 61 - 62.
- P. Dollfus, J.E. Velazquez, A. Bournel, S. Galdin:
"3D Monte Carlo Analysis of Discrete Dopant Effects and Electron Noise in Si Devices";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 58 - 59.
- A. Domaingo, F. Schürrer:
"Simulation of Schottky Barrier Diodes with a Direct Solver for the Boltzmann-Poisson System";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 147 - 148.
- G. Du, X. Liu, Z. Xia, R. Han:
"Simulation of Si and Ge UTB MOSFETs Using Monte Carlo Method Based on the Quantum Boltzmann Equation";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 186 - 187.
- C. Duffy, P. Hassler:
"Scaling pFET Hot-Electron Injection";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 149 - 150.
- A. Fedoseyev, A. Przekwas, M. Turowski, M.S. Wartak:
"Robust Computational Models of Quantum Transport in Electronic Devices";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 151 - 152.
- G. Fiori, G. Iannaccone:
"Code for the 3D Simulation of Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices, Including Drift-Diffusion and Ballistic Transport in 1D and 2D Subbands, and 3D Tunneling";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 223 - 224.
- M.V. Fischetti, S.E. Laux, P.M. Solomon, A. Kumar:
"Thirty Years of Monte Carlo Simulations of Electronic Transport in Semiconductors: Their Relevance to Science and to Mainstream VLSI Technology";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA (invited); 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 47 - 48.
- T. Frederiksen, M. Brandbyge, N. Lorente, A.-P. Jauho:
"Modeling of Inelastic Transport in One-Dimensional Metallic Atomic Wires";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 225 - 226.
- F. Gamiz, A. Godoy, C. Sampedro:
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Velocity Overshoot in DGSOI MOSFETs";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 49 - 50.
- A. Gehring, H. Kosina:
"Wigner-Function Based Simulation of Classic and Ballistic Transport in Scaled DG-MOSFETs using the Monte Carlo Method";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 227 - 228.
- A. Gehring, S. Selberherr:
"Evolution of Current Transport Models for Engineering Applications";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA (invited); 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 20 - 21.
- M.J. Gilbert, D.K. Ferry:
"Full Quantum Mechanical Simulation of Ultra-Small Silicon Devices in Three-Dimensions: Physic and Issues";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 63 - 64.
- M.D. Giles:
"TCAD Process/Device Modeling Challenges and Opportunities for the Next Decade";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA (invited); 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 35.
- M. Girlanda, I. Cacelli, A. Ferretti, M. Macucci:
"Numerical Investigation of a Molecular Switch Based on Conformational Change, with the Inclusion of Contacts";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 108 - 109.
- E. Gnani, S. Reggiani, M. Rudan, G. Baccarani:
"On the Electrostatics of Double-Gate and Cylindrical Nanowire MOSFETs";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 229 - 230.
- A. Godoy, P. Gonzalez, J. Carrillo, F. Gamiz:
"Accurate Deterministic Numerical Simulation of p-n Junctions";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 153 - 154.
- F. Gomez-Campos, S. Rodriguez-Bolivar, J.E. Carceller:
"An Improved Monte Carlo Algorithm for Ionized Impurity Scattering in Bands with Warping, Non-Parabolicity and Degeneracy";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 188 - 189.
- T. Grasser, R. Kosik, C. Jungemann, H. Kosina, B. Meinerzhagen, S. Selberherr:
"A Non-Parabolic Six Moments Model for the Simulation of Sub-100nm Devices";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 36 - 37.
- J. Guo, S. Datta, M.P. Anantram, M.S. Lundstrom:
"Atomistic Simulation of Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors Using Non-Equilibrium Green's Function Formalism";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 71 - 72.
- R. Hagenbeck, S. Decker, J. Fisher, M. Isler, F.G. Lau, T. Mikolajick, G. Tempel, P. Haibach:
"Modeling and Simulation of Electron Injection during Programming in Twin Flash Devices Based on Energy Transport and the Non-Local Lucky Electron Concept";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 155 - 156.
- S. Hasan, J. Guo, M. Vaidyanathan, M.A. Alam, M.S. Lundstrom:
"Monte-Carlo Simulation of Carbon Nanotube Devices";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 190 - 191.
- C. Heitzinger, C. Ringhofer, S. Ahmed, D. Vasileska:
"Efficient Simulation of the Full Coulomb Interaction in Three Dimensions";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 24 - 25.
- S. Hu, K. Hess:
"An Application of Shockley's Recombination and Generation Theory to Biological Ion Channels";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 129 - 130.
- G. Iannaccone:
"Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Noise in Nanoscale Ballistic Field Effect Transistors";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 42 - 43.
- Z. Ikonic, P. Harrison, R.W. Kelsall:
"On the Formation of Periodic Electric Field Domains in p-Si/SiGe Quantum Dots in Cascade Structures";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 268.
- A.-P. Jauho, T. Novotny, A. Donarini, C. Flindt:
"Modeling of Quantum Nanomechanics";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 69 - 70.
- Y.S. Joe, J.S. Kim, E.R. Hedin, R.M. Cosby, A.M. Satanin:
"Fano Resonances through Quantum Dots in Tunable Aharonov-Bohm Rings";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 257 - 258.
- S. Joseph, A.N. Chatterjee, N. Aluru:
"Hierarchical Multiscale Computations of Ion Transport in Synthetic Nanopores";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA (invited); 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 127 - 128.
- C. Jungemann, B. Meinerzhagen:
"A Legendre Polynomial Solver for the Langevin Boltzman Equation";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 22 - 23.
- S. Kaya, A. Al-Ahmadi:
"Search for Optimum and Scalable COSMOS";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 124 - 125.
- H. Khan, D. Vasileska:
"3D Monte Carlo Simulation of FinFET Using FMM Algorithm";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 192 - 193.
- T. Khan, D. Vasileska, T.J. Thornton:
"Subthreshold Mobility Extraction for SOI-MESFETs";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 157 - 158.
- D. Kienle, A. Ghosh, M. Lundstrom:
"Atomistic Treatment of Nanotube-Metal Interfaces";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 250 - 251.
- I. Knezevic, D.K. Ferry:
"A Quantum Many-Body Density Matrix Model for Sub-Femtosecond Transport in Mesoscopic Structures";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 65 - 66.
- S. Krishnan, D. Vasileska:
"A Self-Consistent Quantum Mechanical Simulation of p-Channel Strained SiGe MOSFETs";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 89 - 90.
- H. Kufluoglu, M.A. Alam:
"A Unified Modeling of NBTI and Hot Carrier Injection for MOSFET Reliability";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 28 - 29.
- D. Labukhin, X. Li:
"Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Facet Reflection through Parallel Computing";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 269 - 270.
- L. Latessa, A. Pecchia, A. Di Carlo, P. Lugli:
"Quantum Capacitance Effects in Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Devices";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 73 - 74.
- S.E. Laux:
"Arbitrary Crystallographic Orientation in QDAME with Ge 7.5nm DGFET Examples";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA (invited); 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 76 - 77.
- A. Lee, A. R. Brown, A. Asenov, S. Roy:
"RTS Amplitudes in Decanano n-MOSFETs with Conventional and High-k Gate Stacks";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 159 - 160.
- J.-W. Lee, Y. Li:
"Silicon-Germanium Structure in Surrounding-Gate Strained Silicon Nanowire FETs";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 161 - 162.
- J.-W. Lee, Y. Li, H.-Y. Lin:
"Investigation of Electrostatic Discharge Characteristics on Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 163 - 164.
- K.-I. Lee, T.A. Van der Straaten, G. Kathawala, Y.-J. Park, U. Ravaioli:
"Simulation of Ion Conduction in the ompF Porin Channel Using BioMOCA";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 131 - 132.
- S. Lee, P. von Allmen, F. Oyafuso, G. Klimeck, T.B. Boykin, S.N. Coppersmith, M. Friesen, M.A. Erikson:
"Electron Exchange Interaction in Electronically Confined Si Quantum Dots";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 115.
- L. Lever, R.J. Bushby, R.W. Kelsall:
"Electronic Transport in Discotic Liquid Crystal Columns";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 252.
- Y. Li:
"A Comparative Study of Numerical Algorithms in Calculating Eigenpairs of the Master Equation for Protein Folding Kinetics";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 201 - 202.
- Y. Li:
"Computer Simulation of Magnetization for Vertically Coupled Nanoscale Quantum Rings";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 259 - 260.
- Y. Li, J.-W. Lee, H.-M. Chou:
"Simulation of Three-Dimensional Copper-Low-κ Interconnections with Different Shapes";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 165 - 166.
- Y. Li, D. Lu, S.V. Rotkin, U. Ravaioli:
"Screening of Water Dipoles Inside Finite-Length Armchair Carbon Nanotubes";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 133 - 134.
- Y. Li, S.-M. Yu:
"A Novel Approach to Compact Model Parameter Extraction for Excimer Laser Annealed Complementary Thin Film Transistors";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 167 - 168.
- G. Liang, A. Ghosh, T. Rakshit, S. Datta:
"Hybrid-Basis Modeling of Electron Transport through Molecules on Silicon";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 253 - 254.
- M. Liu, C.S. Lent:
"Bennett and Landauer Clocking in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 120 - 121.
- Y. Liu, C.-W. Shu:
"Local Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Moment Models in Device Simulations: Formulation and One-Dimensional Results";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 169 - 170.
- Y. Lu, C.S. Lent:
"Theoretical Study of Molecular Quantum Dot Cellular Automata";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 118 - 119.
- P. Lugli, G. Csaba, C. Erlen, S. Harrer, G. Scarpa:
"The Simulation of Molecular and Organic Devices: A Critical Review and a Look at Future Development";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA (invited); 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 100 - 101.
- W. Ma, S. Kaya:
"RF Performance of Strained SiGe p-MOSFETs: Linearity and Gain";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 171 - 172.
- M. Macucci, P. Macroncini:
"High-Resolution Numerical Study of Conductance and Noise Imaging of Mesocopic Devices";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 231 - 232.
- D. Marreiro, S. Aboud, M. Saraniti, R. Eisenberg:
"Error Analysis of the Poisson P3M Force Field Scheme for Particle-Based Simulations of Biological Systems";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 203 - 204.
- K. Matsuda:
"Strain-Dependent Hole Masses and Piezoresistive Properties of Silicon";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 173 - 174.
- I.D. Mayergoyz, Z. Zhang:
"Modeling of the Electrostatic (Plasmon) Resonances in Metallic and Semiconductor Nanoparticles";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 261 - 262.
- C. Millar, A. Asenov, A. R. Brown, S. Roy:
"Tracking the Propagation of Individual Ions through Ion Channels with Nano-MOSFETs";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 205 - 206.
- V. Narayanan, E.C. Kan:
"A Critical Examination of the Basis of Macroscopic Quantum Transport Approaches";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 233 - 234.
- M. Nedjalkov, S. Ahmed, D. Vasileska:
"A Self-Consistent Event Biasing Scheme for Statistical Enhancement";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 56 - 57.
- N. Neophytou, J. Guo, M.S. Lundstrom:
"Electrostatics of 3D Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 175 - 176.
- C. D. Nguyen, A.T. Pham, C. Jungemann, B. Meinerzhagen:
"TCAD Ready Density Gradient Calculation of Channel Charge for Strained Si/Strained Si1-xGex, Dual Channel p-MOSFETs on (001) Relaxes Si1-yGey";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 40 - 41.
- B. Obradovic, P. Matagne, L. Shifren, X. Wang, M.A. Stettler, J. He, M.D. Giles:
"A Physically-Based Analytic Model for Stress-Induced Hole Mobility";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 26 - 27.
- M. Okamoto, N. Mori:
"Numerical Simulation for Direct Tunneling Current in Poly-Si-Gate MOS Capacitors";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 235 - 236.
- A. Pecchia, A. Gagliardi, T. Niehaus, T. Frauenheim, A. Di Carlo, P. Lugli:
"Atomistic Simulation of the Electronic Transport in Organic Nanostructures: Electron-Phonon and Electron-Electron Interactions";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 104 - 105.
- G. Pennington, A. Akturk, N. Goldsman:
"Phonon-Limited Transport in Carbon Nanotubes Using the Monte Carlo Method";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 51 - 52.
- E. Polizzi, A. Sameh:
"Numerical Parallel Algorithms for Large-Scale Nanoelectronics Simulations Using NESSIE";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 67 - 68.
- M. Pourfath, E. Ungersboeck, A. Gehring, W.J. Park, B.H. Cheong, H. Kosina, S. Selberherr:
"Numerical Analysis of Coaxial Double Gate Schottky Barrier Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 237 - 238.
- A. Rahman, M.S. Lundstrom, A.W. Ghosh:
"Effective Mass Approach for n-MOSFETs on Arbitrarily Oriented Wafers";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 177 - 178.
- A. Raichura, M.A. Stroscio, M. Dutta:
"Acoustic and Optical Phonons in Nanotubes";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 110 - 111.
- R. Rakowski, S. Kaya:
"Electro-Chemical Modeling Challenges of Biological Ion Pumps";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 207 - 208.
- T. Rakshit, P. Damle, A.W. Ghosh, G.-C. Liang, S. Datta:
"First-Principles Modeling of Molecular I-Vs and Calibration to Experiments";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 106 - 107.
- R. Ravishankar, G. Kathawala, U. Ravaioli, S. Hasan, M.S. Lundstrom:
"Comparison of Monte Carlo and NEGF Simulations of Double-Gate MOSFETs";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 95 - 96.
- A. Raychowdhury, K. Roy:
"Circuit Modeling of Carbon Nanotube Interconnects and Their Performance Estimation in VLSI Design";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 122 - 123.
- C. Riddet, A. Brown, C. Alexander, J.R. Watling, S. Roy, A. Asenov:
"Scattering from Body Thickness Fluctuations in Double-Gate MOSFETs: An Ab-Initio Monte Carlo Simulation Study";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 194 - 195.
- M. Rosini, A. Bertoni, P. Bordone, C. Jacoboni:
"Single electron Transport and Entanglement Induced by Surface Acoustic Waves verus Free Ballistic Propagation in Coupled Quantum Wires";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 239 - 240.
- J. Saint Martin, V. Aubry-Fortuna, A. Bournel, P. Dollfus, S. Galdin, C. Chassat:
"Influence of Ballistic Effects in Ultra-Small MOSFETs";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 32 - 33.
- A. Sakai, Y. Kamakura, K. Taniguchi:
"Quantum Lattice-Gas Automata Simulation of Electronic Wave Propagation in Nanostructures";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 241 - 242.
- F.R. Salazar, J.R. Barker:
"Hilbert Graph: An Expandable Interconnection for Clusters";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 263 - 264.
- A.M. Satanin, Y.S. Joe:
"Manipulating of Resonances in Conductance of an Electron Waveguide with Antidots";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 265 - 266.
- M. Sbathil, D. Mamaluy, P. Vogl:
"Self-Consistent Contact Block Reduction Method for Ballistic Nanodevices";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA (invited); 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 78 - 79.
- J. See, P. Dollfus, S. Galdin, P. Hesto:
"From Wave-Functions to Current-Voltage Characteristics in Silicon Single Nanocrystal Coulomb Blockade Devices";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 243 - 244.
- J. Shi, I. Gamba:
"A High Order Local Solver for Wigner Equation";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 245 - 246.
- M.A. Stroscio, M. Dutta, D. Ramadurai, B. Kohanpour, D. Alexson, P. Shi, A. Sethuraman, Y. Li, V. Saini:
"Tunable Optical Properties of Colloidal Quantum Dots in Electrolytic Environments";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 271 - 272.
- H. Takeda, N. Mori:
"Three-Dimensional Quantum Transport Simulation of Ultra-Small FinFETs";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 91 - 92.
- R. Tanabe, T. Yamasaki, Y. Ashizawa, H. Oka:
"Analysis of Strained-Si Device Including Quantum Effect";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 80 - 81.
- H. Tsuchiya, A. Svizhenko, M.P. Anantram, M. Ogawa, T. Miyoshi:
"Comparison of Non-Equilibrium Green's Function and Quantum-Corrected Monte Carlo Approaches in Nano-MOS Simulation";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 93 - 94.
- P. von Allmen, S. Lee, F. Oyafuso:
"Electronic Structure and Optical Transitions in InAsSb/InGaAs Quantum Dots";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 273 - 274.
- J. Wang, E. Polizzi, A. Ghosh, S. Datta, M. Lundstrom:
"A Microscopic Quantum Simulation of Si/SiO2 Interface Roughness Scattering in Silicon Nanowire Transistors";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 247 - 248.
- B. Witzigmann, M. Streiff, S. Odermatt, M. Luisier, V. Laino, A. Witzig, D. Vez, P. Royo:
"Comprehensive Simulation of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 87 - 88.
- B. Wu, T.-W. Tang:
"The Effective Conduction-Band Edge Method of Quantum Correction to the Monte Carlo Device Simulation";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 196 - 197.
- S. Yamakawa, S.M. Goodnick, S. Aboud, M. Saraniti:
"Quantum Corrected Full-Band Cellular Monte Carlo Simulation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 53 - 54.
- L. Yang, J.R. Watling, F. Adamu-Lema, A. Asenov, J.R. Barker:
"Simulations of Sub-100nm Strained Si MOSFETs with High-k Gate Stacks";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 30 - 31.
- Z. Yang, T.A. Van der Straaten, U. Ravaioli:
"A Coupled 3D PNP/ECP Model for Ion Transport in Biological Ion Channels";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 135 - 136.
- S.-M. Yu, Y. Li:
"A Computational Intelligent Optical Proximity Correction for Process Distortion Compensation of Layout Mask in Subwavelength Era";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 179 - 180.
- F. Zahid, M. Paulsson, E. Polizzi, A.W. Ghosh, W. Lafayette:
"Huckel I-V 3.0: A Self-Consistent Model for Molecular Transport and its Applications";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 102 - 103.
- L. Zhang, D. Melnikov, J.P. Leburton:
"Simulation and Optimization of Spin-Qubit Quantum Dot Circuit with Integrated Quantum Point Contact Read-Out";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 116 - 117.
- Y. Zheng, C. Rivas, R. Lake, K. Alam, T.B. Boykin, G. Klimeck:
"Electronic Properties of Silicon Nanowires";
Talk: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 82 - 83.
- B. Zorman, S. Krishnan, D. Vasileska, J. Xu:
"Monte Carlo Hole Mobility Calculations with a First Principles Alloy";
Poster: Conference, West Lafayette, USA; 2004-10-24 - 2004-10-27; in: "Abstracts of IWCE", (2004), 198 - 199.